Sunday, October 26, 2008

Late Autumn Light

It is light, the quality of light and how it strikes objects here on earth, that remains the major inspiration for my photography.

Light alone is just light, of course. The other half of the equation is mind, the quality of mind and how it perceives objects here on earth.

I've seen so many beautiful days go by recently and nothing inspired stirred in the mind. Seeing may be a simple chemical reaction in an indifferent brain but seeing and seeing beauty is a more complex activity, perhaps even linking sensing or conscious particles beyond the tiny confines of this bony skull that cradles this poor brain.
All my life I have been searching for the formula of happiness. For me happiness, not the Buddhist kind that induces one to non-action but worldly happiness is state of a fecund mind, a mind that seeks to create from the sheer overflow of its energy. Being human is the opposite of indifference. To be human is to be prejudiced, to be the other pole that energy can travel from where it originates, where it has always originated. Without my pole, energy is simply potential and to be human is to turn potential into something concrete and actual. 

It must be somewhat like the behavior of electrons in quantum physics. With the human eye to observe them, they are everywhere. When touched by human consciousness they freeze into specificity.
Maybe I am putting into words needlessly what I might be content to leave unexpressed. But to experience beauty and not express it seems to me not seeing beauty at all.

Capturing an image on the camera's photosensitive cells is most of the work a photographer does but increasingly I am finding that what the camera produces is simply raw material for the work I must do to create the images I like.

And the work I do relies on the quality of mind for raw materials are everywhere around us but must be ignited with the energy of desire for them to come together and partake of our lives.

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