Monday, October 6, 2008

Cody, Age 10

Some people seem to have congenital flair for acting and modeling. Cody is one of these.

Yesterday at White River Park, like the boy he was, he loved to pose for pictures. He has a facility for making faces and assuming postures that the camera can capture. He is not the most attractive child physically but what makes a good model at least in my eyes is not so much looks as energy, animation, and that innate ability to communicate with the photographer's camera.

As we were walking to our car, a family sitting in the shade of a weeping willow asked me to take their photo. The boy also had this quality. His smile was infectious.

Some people simply make connection with others easily.

I am prone to plan. I like to think I can set the direction where my life, especially work and relationships, goes. I know better but predilections are part of who we are. I do believe that it is important that we take action. Life happens but more of it happens when we take an active role by taking risks, taking action.
The last ten days have suggested another way to find images to photograph. Until now I have been relying on my own resources to find models to shoot. Live models are my preferred subjects to photograph. But while formal studio photo shoots are great, taking pictures with friends is more pleasant, and apparently can be more productive of good photos. 

There is a fine line though between taking snapshots and taking professional-grade photos. What that is I can't define just now. We can plan photos but so far most of the pictures I think are my best are products of spur of the moment!

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