Saturday, October 4, 2008

Boracay Sunset

Just when I think I've run out of images I go over my photo files and realize how many I've taken that I have not even looked at, much less process.

These are part of the set I shot in Boracay when Francisco and I were there overnight in 2007. There's plenty more but I've never processed these photos that I took around sunset on the beach. Sunset photos, of course, are popular with photographers but aside from these images in Boracay I have never really set myself to take sunset images largely because I either didn't have a tripod or was lazy to unfold and set up one.
These are gorgeous shots. With just the little that I know now about Photoshop Camera Raw editing, these were a lark to process. Suddenly I have hundreds, thousands even, of images just from that trip to the Philippines in 2007 that I am now eager to look over and edit.

This morning I set up a cropping preset using a widescreen aspect ratio of 16 x 9. For months now I've been cropping images with a longer width compared to their height. I just like the widescreen look. This is over and above the idea that I want someday to use still images to augment my video files to make documentaries.
Just as in my non-photography life I am looking for the lifestyle attitude that I would live with, Joe Campbell's shibboleth to find one's "bliss" continues to give direction to the search. Finding the "bliss" in one's life is not so simple. The route is cluttered with so many filters we've built over the years.

Photography and the science and art of images are metaphors for a deeper adventure, a more meaningful search for life's summum bonum.

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