Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Grotto dello Smeraldo

I have not processed my European travel photos in a while, intent as I have been on taking advantage of the fall colors in Indiana. Today I decided to revisit the Amalfi Coast shoot. 

These images are from the 20 I processed just from the one day when we drove the bus to the Emerald Grotto off the Amalfi coastal road (private buses are assigned days to go east or west). There were a couple of shops right there cut into the mountainside then steps going down to the tiny inlet where we took small boats into grotto. The guy who paddled our boat stopped it along the sequence of stops inside the cave with its stunning green and blue-lit waters and sang Neapolitan songs. I recorded his songs on my Sony HDV camera. I have yet to even listen and view that clip.
Outside the cave, the sky was still overcast. We took a motorboat along the coast, passing by resort hotels high up on the cliffs or huddled in tiny inlets. Gradually the sun came out. By the time we arrived at the former Maritime Republic of Amalfi the skies were blue. Time for some lemoncello and chocolate pastries at the square in front of the Byzantine-inspired cathedral with its imposing wide staircase to the church a hundred feet or more above.

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