Friday, October 10, 2008

Backyard Autumn

Fall is on the march and taking no prisoners. Already the maple tree in the courtyard has turned all red, and appears even more red against the clear blue autumn sky.

After seeing my optometrist yesterday afternoon I decided to play truant. I skipped going to the gym, instead used the gorgeous afternoon to take pictures at Ditch Road and 86th Street. I've shot at this location many times before but the afternoon light yesterday was just right to catch the reflection of the trees in the water. The grasses were also resplendent with their full plumes of cottony reddish-gray seeds.

We have not had any frost so the perennials were still showing off their summer glory. Shrub roses were studded with blooms and daylilies while past their prime still proffer the occasional perfect, golden lily.

The area is usually crowded with squawking ducks and geese, the grass strewn with their refuse. Somehow yesterday none of the birds were in evidence. Have they already all flown off for the winter?

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