Friday, October 17, 2008

Color and Perspective

Returning home the other day I passed by this big maple tree that always turned my head every fall. The property borders a township school that did not reopen this fall. With public finances the way they are I wonder if the school system is not going to sell the property to some developer. The new-building industry, of course, is at its worst so that development does not appear imminent. Nonetheless I shall miss having the school grounds to roam so close to my home and miss the view of this gorgeous tree in the fall.

I continue to haphazardly try using smaller apertures when shooting images for which I want more depth. These photos demonstrate the success or lack of success I am having. There is so much to learn about taking digital photographs. The other day when I discovered why my Fort Harrison photos turned out so terribly I realized I needed a refresher course on using the Canon D5 more effectively. To be able to adjust the settings for a particular shoot or picture is great but until I get into the habit of checking my settings before shooting automatic settings work best!

I have not worked with Photoshop tutorials in two weeks. Meanwhile Adobe is shipping their CS4 versions of their suites. The Production Suite includes Premier, Soundbooth, and OnLocation, programs I would love to try. I am just about decided to spring for the new versions. I had thought of contracting with myself and put off buying the new versions until I've proven to myself that I was serious about learning and using these programs. Then again buying the new programs I can learn them instead of having to learn the CS3 versions and then again learn the new versions. Away from me, Satan, you devil you!

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