Friday, September 26, 2008

Autumn Landscapes

With these photos in Flickr and on Smugmug I begin working with an expanding knowledge of light, color and the digital processing of images.

I shot a model last week and enjoyed working with Zac. I shall always probably enjoy working with people, working with personal energy and discovering new ways of seeing human lives. But I don't quite know what direction I want to take with my photography and videography. I started out with some ideas. In just 8 months, these have metamorphosed beyond recognition. Truly we make our path by walking.
Last night, after reading Pogue's NY Times digital post about using Google to locate sites on the Internet without using bookmarks, I entered "duende arts photography" in the search box. Lo and behold, the first item on the search results was my own Flickr site!

I did another search just with the words "duende arts," and the Flickr site was listed fourth from the top on the first page and again listed on the next page of search results. I typed in "duendearts blog" and two of my blogs with duende arts in the title were at the top of the search page, each one including a citation for another entry under each. Activating my accounts with Flickr and has put me on the Internet map. Myspace will probably have an even better chance of searchability. Little by little what I conceived of doing is coming about but the details of the "Plan" are morphing.

Doing Deke McClelland's tutorial on and Scott Kelby's book are irrevocably changing the landscape of what I want to do. Meanwhile these changes in my work are also impacting the rest of my lifestyle changes. Work and love, Freud wrote, are the two unchanging main issues that a person deals with in life and he was right. 

Love for me is love for life. More than the love for a person is one's passion for what makes life worthwhile. We might address love songs to a woman or man but for many of us that object of love changes in time. The Christian or Jew mystic or Sufi may know the better way. They write love poems and sing love songs and the object of their love never changes. The details of that deity's identity change as the devotee's love changes. In this Buddha was right. Everything under and above the sky changes. 

We locate ourselves in a certain direction of love with a certain object and we think we are directing ourselves. It's love that directs us.

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