Saturday, September 13, 2008

Aaron and Scott Take Photos

I shot Aaron and Scott at four occasions in June and July. Our last shoot came when I began to realize I needed to work on color correction so most of the photos from that shoot have not been posted.

I aspire to something I have never had. My mind is used to taking analytical, rational approaches. I want to learn to take the scenic route. I am always surprised at the viewpoints other people, especially young people, take confronted with situations I face. Experience overwhelms us into seeing the world one way. For me art is taking that scenic route, not through tourist-infested landscapes but through unfamiliar byways. We see the world again as God must have seen it minutes he brought it into existence!

I have been reading Amal Naj's book on hot peppers. Creating art is like eating hot peppers at the start of a meal. The pepper burns tongue and mouth and awakens us to taste sensations again. Heaven is too near us to only dream about it. We must find it here now.

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