Monday, September 1, 2008

Amalfi Coast Joins the Travel Galleries

Just as at Cinque Terre the previous year, the day we went to Amalfi was cloudy. The tour bus dropped us off where we visited a souvenir shop and later crossed the street to steps that led down the cliff to the Emeraldo Grotto below. Before taking the steps I bought huge, fist-size lemons from a man with a cartful of fruit.

After a tour of the grotto accompanied by our guide singing Neapolitan songs in Italian, we took a launch that followed the coast to the inlet harbor of Amalfi. These are images I shot from the launch. They didn't capture the awesomeness of the spectacle as the boat sped through the waters making me giddy as I stumbled around for a seat to grab images I knew would not do justice to the experience.

Nonetheless, these photos start a third travel gallery on my website.  Bit by bit I am building the site, a gallery here, another there. I have thousands of images to process and upload. Right now I am doing several lynda tutorials to learn the basics of Photoshop while processing a few photos every day to start a new gallery.
For now, my images are divided into two categories: models and travel photography. Each category has subcategories that make navigating from one part of the site to another. I am happy with what has evolved (because I am not planning as much as just doing what I can day after day). Eventually, once the site has taken a more definite shape I might look at the whole and do some other revision.

I imagine I will always have so much to learn that I won't lose this feeling I am always behind where I should be. This could be a good thing, humbling me because my state of knowledge increasingly is shown to be quite inept. The journey, as I have learned again and again, is what life is about, not the end that keeps receding into the unknown.

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