Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cold, Rainy Day in Vienna

Vienna was the last stop of our 2004 European trip with Go Ahead. My sister and I had a huge, elegant room with marble floors. We took a bus to the city center and got off at Kartner Straßße near the Staatsoper, the Vienna State Opera. We basically walked along the Ringstraßße, visiting the sights and taking pictures of the royal palace and grounds, the statues of Vienna's illustrious one-time residents like Mozart and Goethe, and visiting the Sacher Hotel to check out the famous Sachertorte. 

Under the gray skies, Vienna looked old, its buildings impossibly ornate, the classical sculptures starkly reminding me of warm, sunny Athens and Rome instead of this cold, Teutonic city. That evening we went to a chamber music concert where my younger sister, April, and I danced a waltz to our friends' amazement. I was so giddy with delight we almost danced off the floor and out the window!

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