Friday, September 4, 2009

QuickTime X versus QuickTime 7 for video compression

To finish the new website I am working on the video page before tackling the text (currently called blog) page but I didn't anticipate diving headlong into video compression. Compression, like motion and color, are the most intimidating phases of preparing a video for delivery. The videos I have completed are all large files. I worked under no file size constraints. They are too large for the iWeb software I am using. I can post them but streaming would be stringently slow.
So, I'm stuck here whereas I had envisioned flying through these last two sections of the website.
The image above shows the video display on QuickTime Player 7 and the new QuickTime X that is included in the recent Snow Leopard Mac OS upgrade. I exported the Final Cut Pro movie file as a 1280x720 video on QuickTime with an appreciably sharper and more vivid picture but the size fourfold!
More than ever I feel mastery of compression is the final Holy Grail of video production. This should not be! Shooting and editing should be at the heart of the beast!

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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