Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Posting to YouTube and Vimeo

I'm finishing the new website (, creating links to my Internet sites on the home page. I've had an account with YouTube for years but never posted a video there. I think the Dubrovnik video I made in July is the best I've done. Watching it again yesterday I revisited the memories of that trip. I had not planned this video but somehow the footage I took worked really well in editing the 22-minute video.
YouTube has limitations for free account holders: no more than 2 GB, no longer than 10 minutes. I couldn't upload the video. As I get back to editing videos I have to consider the YouTube limitations. Vimeo has a .5 GB weekly limit and only standard, not high defintion, Vimeo Plus 5 GB with a limit of 1 GB per file. I knew short videos are more effective (I've seen enough director commentaries on DVD to see how feature movies are edited down and down, often eliminating the director's favorite clips all in the interest of creating a more powerful movie) but ignored caution. If I want to post my videos they'll need to conform to these requirements.

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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