Saturday, August 23, 2008

Duende Arts 1

I have created 12 galleries on the duendearts site at Here are two photos from the last gallery, Chanté Zimmers, I created.

I had done an earlier shoot with Scott with his buddy, Arron, on June 7.

Scott wanted to do another shoot by himself but persuaded his girlfriend, Chanté, to come. Shooting him with Chanté showed him in a different light. Photographed with a girlfriend, the model expresses him in ways he just does not show unless he has developed good actor skills.

Photographing models I like to capture the nuances of expressions in their faces and bodies. I think these expressions are precious. Life happens too fast for us to really pay attention. Photographs cut a quick slice from that progression that we may alert us to pay closer attention to what we are experiencing. In the end maybe we get the sense that what is really precious is life itself.

I am still working on several work-enhancing tools but I'm ready to shoot again. I am scheduling new shoots for the next two weeks.

To see my public galleries, click on To view my older portfolios and obtain information about modeling, check out

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