Monday, January 4, 2010

Uploading my first video on YouTube

It must be like holding your first child in your arms. Oh, that may be hyperbole for someone with children but I don't. The trickle of products I am starting to create is the closest I'll get to having children. And there are disadvantages, sure, but advantages, too. No college education fund to set up, and best of all, I can still have my quiet and solitude!

When Arron came over last night with loyal friend, Seth, he showed me his brother's goofy videos on YouTube. With titles promising titillating subjects, they had hundreds, even thousands of hits. Titles like Fuck Vegetarians, Sexy Girl Shows Her Boobs, Fart Torch... Coming Up!!! categorize Billy's raunchy, raucous humor but it worked. Titles are how videos are searched. Catogories, too, are helpful.

YouTube sent me a routine congratulatory email with suggestions on how to spice up my page. Meanwhile I enabled broadcasting my walks on Nike Plus to Twitter and Facebook. Inevitably I am linking myself to the social-network age, a phenomenon I learned about two years ago. And I used to think myself a first adopter. Nope, nope, nope!

Meanwhile on my Facebook page, Duende Arts Photography & Video, I looked at the five videos I uploaded since the iPod nano test video three weeks ago. The improvement, I think, has been phenomenal.

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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