Friday, April 24, 2009

Making HD Obsolete

Back home again in Indiana, spring continues its showy parade. This time I don't seem to have missed much while I was at NAB Show. The tulips are still pretty though they are no longer fat buds but wide-open in the warm sunshine. 81° today was cool compared to 91° in Las Vegas but the body remembers what it left behind when it was flown to the Nevada desert.
Glancing over my journal entries in Las Vegas I wonder at how much happened there in my mind. That all now seems like another world away, another time. It's a good thing I have these notes to prod me to remember what I experienced at NAB. The workshops I attended with one exception, the last I attended on how to make web videos "wildly popular", were overwhelmingly informative, powerhouses of practical tips I can apply to my work here.
Starting Monday I want to re-assess my use of social media, my blogs and websites. I have done enough exploring. It is time to focus and NAB Show was especially helpful in giving tips on how to do this. The workshop leaders were inspiring, speaking from their own experiences. Digital media has still a long way to go to be on par with film-shot movies but its state is definitely farther ahead from last year. The RED One camera is more firmly established, the resolution of its EPIC 617 now 28K or 28,000 horizontal pixels (compared to 1920 on an HD video camera). Digital video is also more established even as print media are reassessing their monetizing viability on paper vis-a-vis the Internet. Mobile broadcasting has started to show up on mobile devices. The future is exciting!
All this should fuel my own home-grown efforts to enter the digital content production industry. We'll see...

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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